Franco Esteve's The Doll Chronicles Short Film Series

Jamsphere Music Magazine review of Apocalypse: The Doll Chronicles (Original Soundtrack) Screenshot

Review: Jamsphere Music Magazine Reviews Apocalypse Soundtrack

The Jamsphere Music Magazine review of Apocalypse: The Doll Chronicles (Original Soundtrack) is out! Read it here:

“the haunting melodies and atmospheres will hold your attention scrupulously as it gradually magnifies in darkness and urgency… Hauntingly atmospheric and staggering in its scope, “Apocalypse: The Doll Chronicles (Original Soundtrack)” is here to assert itself as deeply compelling evidence for the gargantuan artistic value of Franco Esteve’s scoring work.”

Jamsphere Music Magazine Review, August 2021

Thank you Jamsphere! Wow! ? I’m elated that y’all enjoyed it so much.

Haven’t heard the album yet? Go here:

Remember to like, follow, and the rest of it. Thank you everyone! 

Find out more about the album here

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