Consequence: Anecdotes and Interviews

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Read some anecdotes from the producer and cast of the short film, Consequence, The Doll Chronicles:

  1. 2 degrees of cold damnation
  2. Asses wanted
  3. Can I get some blood with that cocaine?
  4. The inspiration
  5. Photoshock
  6. I’ve said yes to what exactly?



2 degrees of cold damnation

Mallorca is packed with people during the warm, summer months, so the only real option for filming our scenes without constant interruption or people running about in the shot, was during the winter. Now, most people don’t think of the Mediterranean as a cold, filming location, and especially not a beach resort like Cala Ratjada, but not only does it get cold, but it can sometimes even snow at sea level.

Thankfully for us, it didn’t snow, but most scenes were filmed under very cold conditions, with the sunrise and beach scenes in particular, shot in 2-degree weather (35 degrees Fahrenheit). The actors, thankfully, valiantly braved the cold conditions like the professionals they are, with the rest of us running to cover them up with jackets and a blanket in between takes.

The main problem with the beach though was their feet. They could handle the temperature thanks to the sun shinning on their bodies, but the freezing sand and water numbed their feet. This made it difficult for them to run around the sand happily. It was worse when they had to lie romantically on it.

The funniest moment though as it pertains to the low temperatures was during the filming of the final scene, when Doll is on the floor, and the story is fully realized, the drama, the intensity, the reality, and Marisa’s breast just kept shaking violently. It was an intense involuntary spasm caused by the freezing floor. We just couldn’t stop laughing because of it.

Franco Esteve

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Asses Wanted

Casting directors must constantly both laugh and cry at some of the requests for actors for a particular story, having to deal with the difficult task of finding people with very specific characteristics and have them be talented enough for the project. I’m sure many of them have scores of actors lined up to fill whatever spots they might need to fill, but we’re a small troupe making a no-budget, short film having to look for three asses and body types for a scene with few people willing to do the job.

In the end, it became a bit of a joke amongst people we knew, since we kept asking everyone who fit the character description if we could film their ass or if they knew other asses that would be willing to be shown in our film. In the end, we’re very happy with our final three. They performed admirably.

Franco Esteve

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Can I get some blood with that cocaine?

When you’re filming drug scenes, you want to get the most accurate looking drugs you can get. As you can imagine in a town of around 6 to 8 thousand people, everyone knows each other, and pharmacies, like other small town businesses, often have the tendency to be news outlets. So, it took a bit of explaining when we specifically asked which were the best needles for shooting up heroin. Surprisingly, it wasn’t as funny as asking for the cocaine.

If I was going to have my actors snort something, it had to be safe, but it also had to look as close to cocaine as we could get, so we did a bit of research with the different concoctions people had used in the past and settled on powdered sugar as the substitute. So I went to a local, pastry designer and asked for a cocaine substitute. They looked at me funny and said, “I’m sorry, what?” After explanations, weird faces, and laughter, they brought out a big bag of powdered sugar that fit the bill quite nicely.

As I was leaving, I remembered the blood, so I turned back and asked if I could get a blood substitute. After some uncomfortable laughter, I left with a few, small vials of blood colored, liquid food coloring. With a bag of cocaine, needles, and blood, I suddenly realized that a cop might need more than a simple explanation.

Needless to say, I avoided the roundabouts.

Franco Esteve

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The Inspiration

The inspiration behind the Consequence story was actually a Larry Clark photo from 1971. It’s an Untitled photo from the series “Tulsa”. Initially, we had all spoken about doing a drug addicted doll story, but that photo just kept rolling around in my head. Larry Clark’s photos are amazing, and this one had a particular impact upon me. In this photo I saw surrender, trust, pleasure, intensity, willingness. The woman was happily giving in to her lover’s drug injection.

It made me think about how often people and particularly women fall for men who mistreat them, who lead them down dark paths, and how they go willingly, leaving behind anyone that gets in the way. Some men also prey upon weaker or insecure women, who might be more susceptible, or party girls, who with a slight push, might fall beyond the edge. Looking at that photo, I saw that happening, that complete trust and surrender, and love, despite the fact that he was injecting her, pushing her down a destructive path. I’ve seen this many times throughout my life, and perhaps that’s why I projected that unto the photo’s scene.

Of course, for our story, I asked how and what next, taking the Consequence of that act further. I actually had a copy of the photo with us during filming, and when I first showed it to the main actors, their faces were hilarious. Though I had explained everything before, it didn’t have quite the impact of seeing the photo. We all laughed, some more nervously than others, and we began the journey of creating the silent, short film that would become Consequence, The Doll Chronicles.

You can see the photo and even purchase a signed print from the ClampArt gallery by following this link (NSFW):

While there, be sure to peruse more photos (and other similar ones) from the collection and from that time in Clark’s life. They’re amazing. 🙂

Franco Esteve

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I’ve been an actress my whole life. Beyond my work on the stage, I’ve felt that life is also a wonderful play in which I’m the happy leading actress, surrounded by many other wonderful actors and actresses with whom I share the most exciting of adventures. One of these actors and adventures has been Franco [Esteve] and working on his short film, Consequence, The Doll Chronicles. When Emma [Saura Woods] and Franco approached me to offer me a role in the film, I was really excited as I’d seen Paranoia, The Doll Chronicles and loved it. Franco had told me a bit about the story and I was really excited to get to work.

We arrived at this luxurious mansion by the sea in Cala Ratjada, and Franco got everyone together, explaining everything, each role, each scene, and the day’s schedule, handing out instructions, and what not. Suddenly, he pulls out the photo that inspired him to write Consequence and looks over at me. I must admit that it gave me chills at first to see it, to think about it, especially considering the drug and bedroom scenes would be filmed first. I guess I suddenly projected myself unto the photo and the situation, but understanding the story, and Franco, I mean, he’s such a great and comforting director. He just made it really easy to jump into the role and into this character’s skin.

It was a shocking, exciting adventure, filming this story and character. The final product is something I can certainly be proud of, and I’m looking forward to working with Franco and the Producciones Tecatas team again on the next one.

Marisa Reyes Durán

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I’m sorry, I’ve said yes to what exactly?

I was relaxed, sitting on the sofa in our living room, watching TV when Marisa [Reyes Durán] came in and sat quietly beside me. Now that I think of it, her tone was softer than usual. She mentioned something about her friend, Emma [Saura Woods], her husband Franco [Esteve], who I hadn’t really met yet, something about a short film, … I hardly recall exactly what it was. I can hardly remember saying, ’Ok, fine’.

At this point I hadn’t really met Franco except once, in passing. Little did I know, that at that very moment, I was accepting to play the leading role in Consequence, The Doll Chronicles. I knew Marisa had said yes much earlier, and I hadn’t really thought about any of it, especially considering how much she acts in the theater. What have I said yes to?

As it turns out, it was Franco who insisted that I play the role, and I must say that he made it into a fantastic experience for me, especially considering this was my first film ever. It was all very professional and comfortable and enjoyable. It was all fantastic, and I can’t wait to do it again.

Bernat Pizà Galmés

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